Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms J. Brodie.
You will design and make a product to be sold at the mid year Puanga festival. To do this you will research the significance and tikanga of Puanga and the Matariki star constellation. You will interpret this in your own way and choose a technique to up-skill in - from machine sewing, crochet to harakeke weaving. This will then guide the products and brand you choose to develop for the year. Students will need to take the semester 1 & semester 2 Textiles course.
Course Specific Stationery
A3 spiral bound workbook, Color Pencils
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Construction and Mechanical Technologies 2.21 - Implement advanced procedures using textile materials to make a specified product with special features
Generic Technology 2.1 - Undertake brief development to address an issue